Merchant, follow the steps to get paid in GELD and/or GELDC by your customers :

1. Fill the local currency amount your customer has to pay in the first field to be able to see the USD and EUR amount:

For SGelderGER (GELD) we have already direct exchange amounts with all currencies:

Fuer SGelderGER (GELD) haben wir bereits direkte Wechselkurse mit allen Waehrungen:

powered by Coinlib &

The price of SGelderGER (GELD) is here to see:

Der Preis von SGelderGER (GELD) ist hier zu sehen:

powered by Coinlib &

2. Tell your customer she/he has to login at and click "Wallet"

and click the "Send/Senden" button at SGelderGER (GELD) or at GELDCoin (GELDC) in order to send

GELD/GELDC to the merchant.

The customer has then to fill the given amount from the merchant in EUR or USD and the wallet-address of the merchant.

Then the page will automatically convert the outstanding amount from EUR or USD to GELD/GELDC coins.

3. Give your GELD or GELDC wallet-address by letting the customer scan your personalised merchant QR-code

(merchant: contact me to admin(at) in case you don`t have yet a QR-code).

The merchant wallet-address will then be scanned by the customer

(in case no QR-code-scanner available, the customer can use:

The customer has to copy/paste then the merchant-wallet-address inside the receiver wallet-address field.

4. After every field is filled, the customer has to click again at "SEND/SENDEN" button to send the given amount to the merchant.

5. The merchant can check at their GELD or GELDC wallet at if the amount arrived after 5-20 seconds

(merchant: reload the "Wallet" page after 20 seconds to see the received amount of GELD or GELDC coins!).

Questions: Get an immediate answer at telegram:

@sgeldercoins10000 or by E-mail: support(at)